Monday, August 22, 2022


In-laws are part of  marriage because they are indirectly connected. Couples should understand that in-laws can be difficult sometimes to handle due to their undue pressure as a result of their emotional attachment to their children. Couples should know how to handle difficult in-laws in other not to create unnecessary tension in the home. Some of the ways to handle difficult in-laws are,

1. Couples should be committed to each other. When couples are united, and committed to each other, they will not be frustrated and easily influence by their in-laws.

2. Don't be sentimental. Be objective, and avoid be sentimental in handling difficult in-laws. Respect your in-law and avoid taking sides.

3. Endeavor to set boundaries for your in-laws. Setting boundaries for your in-laws will enable them know the areas they are expected to intervene in your marriage. When you set boundaries it will put your in-laws in check, and also prevent them from undue pressure in your marriage.

4. Treat your in laws with dignity. Everyone deserve to be treated with love, and respect including your in-laws irrespective of their overbearing tendencies. Sometimes, in-laws can be in your nerves when you are not taking their advice and suggestions.

5. Never personalize issues. Personalizing issues with your spouse will worsen issues, and create room for argument and disagreement. 

6. Maintain a good relationship with your in laws. Lack of good relationship with in-laws can be detrimental to the cordial  relationship between the man and woman. Some in laws are troublesome and difficult because of the poor relationship of their son or daughter in law.

In laws can contribute to the success and happiness of their children marriages due to their experience. Ironically, some in laws are responsible for their children unhappiness, and breakup due to their selfish interest and ill advise given to their children who are married. Some couples had miserable experiences from wicked, and difficult in laws because of the inability of the couple to handle issues on their own.

Some females especially in Africa who intend to get married wish their would be in law dead because of fear of manipulation, and undue pressure from them. Marriage is enjoyable with or without the presence of manipulative, and difficult in laws depending on the way and manner the couples manage them. Couples should work collectively to manage, and handle difficult, and troublesome in laws with love, respect, and dignity.

They should also support them financially, materially etc when necessary in other for them to have sense of belonging


Sunday, August 21, 2022


Financial Management is planning, directing, organizing, and controlling financial activities such as procurement, utilization of funds for family, organization, or enterprise. Managing finances is vital for planning, execution, and sustainability of project, commitment, goals, objectives etc. Efficient financial management is necessary for couples in other for them not to be under financial pressure, stress, and difficulties.

Marriage comes with lots of responsibilities, and as couples wisdom demand that they have a robust, achievable planning skills for better, and stress free marriage devoid of undue financial pressure.


Some of the causes of financial problems in marriages are,

1. Unwise financial decision making process. When couple make unwise financial decision without considering the negative effect, they are bound to be in financial crisis.

2. Health and medical related issues. Health related issues is one of the causes of financial problem in marriages.

3. Retirement. A retiree will suffer from financial challenge if he fails to put up mechanism in place to sustain him after retirement.

4. Family related issues. Sometimes in other to assist family members, and relatives that have problems; couples may encounter financial challenges.

5. Loss of employment. When a partner lose his means of livelihood as a result of unemployment, it may affect the financial strength of the couples.

6. Living above your income. Anybody that lives above his income without an alternative means of livelihood will go bankrupt. 

7. Failure to seek for an alternative means of income. Due to the harsh economic situation confronting some countries, some couples have devise  means of sustaining their finances through an alternative means of income. 

8. Drug addiction. Drug addiction and other related issues can cripple the finance of couples if urgent step is not taken.

9. Irresponsible Investment. When couple decided to invest without proper investment advice, they are bound to suffer loss which might affect their finances. So many families have gone bankrupt due to irresponsible investment.


There is a popular saying that"money has wings". It's easier to spend money than to earn. Taking proactive measures is needed in other for couples to reduce financial crisis in marriages. Some of these measures are,

1. Maintaining 

saving culture.

2. Have an alternative means of income.

3. Don't spend more than your income.

4. Be investment driven.

Financial crisis has negative impact in marriage; and taking necessary step aim at reducing undue financial stress is needful, and important. Couples should avoid anything that will make them be under financial crisis.


Saturday, August 20, 2022


Infidelity in marriage is the act of being unfaithful to a spouse or partner. When someone that is married have sexual related affair with someone it is regarded as infidelity. Unfaithfulness and infidelity in marriage is one of the major causes of divorce, conflict, etc in marriages globally. 


1. Divorce. Divorce is one of the consequences of infidelity. It is regarded as the major causes of divorce globally.

2. Spread of sexually transmitted infections/diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread through a partner that is unfaithful to his spouse.

3. Emotional and Psychological Problem. Some spouse suffer from emotional and psychological trauma as a result of their cheating partner.

4. Unwanted Child. Infidelity can make someone have a child that is not wanted. When a woman becomes pregnant for a married man and she decides not to abort it, the child will become unwanted for the man because he didn't plan for it.

4. Physical/Verbal Abuse. A cheating partner may become a victim of physical attack as a result of confrontation, and conflict related to infidelity.

Death. A lot of married men and women have taken the lives of their spouses as a result of unfaithfulness in marriage. Some victims of infidelity in marriage believed that taking the life of their spouse is the solution of the problem.


Infidelity has caused unimaginable crisis, conflict, and problems among marriages globally. Unfaithfulness is a delicate issue that need wisdom to handle in other for the couples not to take laws into their hand. The following procedures may help couples who are having issues with infidelity in their marriages.

1. Identify the root cause. Identifying the root cause of any problem is the key factor in resolving it. When you don't identify the problem; then the solution may be difficult.

2.Don't action in haste. Taking action in haste especially when you are heart broken emotionally can be risky, dangerous, and may not give you the desired result in solving the problem.

3. Discuss and settle it amicably. When issues arise in marriage, the ability to discuss and settle it amicably will help reduce tension, problem, and conflict.

4. Don't be in haste to call third parties. Sometimes, inviting third parties to settle issues like infidelity may do more harm than good. Look for ways of settling the issue without inviting anybody.


Their is no smoke without fire. Let us look into some of the causes of infidelity in marriage.

1. Sexual dissatisfaction. Lack of sexual satisfaction is the reason why some spouse cheat on their partner. 

2. Hardship. Condition, hardship, and frustration is the caused of infidelity among couples. 

3 Lack of care and support. Some spouse who are not caring, and supporting their partner may likely have a cheating partner.

4. Medical condition. Medical related problem may prevent a spouse from performing his marital responsibility to his partner, thereby causing the spouse to cheat on her partner.

5. Anger, and revenge. A partner that has been cheated before by her spouse may decide to pay back by cheating on his partner.

6. Lack of love, and commitment. When a couple no longer love his spouse, infidelity may set in.

Infidelity in marriage is immoral, disheartening, and unreasonable. It is important for couples to seek help from marriage expert if

they find it difficult to resolve the issue. Infidelity if handled without  care can result to death, injuries, breakup, and divorce.


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