Saturday, September 3, 2022


It's no longer news that sex education is important for children especially the girl child. Sex education is the instruction of issues relating to human sexuality, reproduction, health, safe sex, abstinence, and birth control.

Most parents are not living up to expectation when it comes to sex education. Some of the causes of teenage and early pregnancy is attributed to lack of sex education of the girl child. Parents should discuss sex education with their girl child early to avoid early pregnancy.

When sex education is discuss between mother and the girl child, it will enable her know when to have sex, abstinence, birth control among others. Most children are curious about sex therefore, their is need for parents to instill the right concept about sex to their children.

Due to the rapid growth of the internet and social media, their is need for parents to educate their children in other for them not to be misled, and misinform by friends, relatives, and the society. Parents are supposed to be the most appropriate persons to educate their girl child about sex education.

Impact of Sex Education on the Girl Child.

1. It enhances their knowledge about her sexuality. She is better inform and will not be easily deceive by the opposite sex who want to take advantage of her.

2. It promote mother and child relationship. Sex education is one of the things that promote mother and child relationship.

3. Control of youthful exuberance. Sex education has a way of controlling youthful exuberance among teenagers especially girls. It has led may astray as a result of early pregnancy, and abortion.

Sex education should be encourage in homes, religious gathering, schools, communities etc because the girl child is prone to sexual molestation and attack. Mothers has key role to play in educating their girl child about sexually related issues

Lastly, parents should create good relationship with their children to build trust and confidence.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


The internet is flooded with information that is meant for adult, youths, teenagers, and kids. Keeping the kids off the internet is almost impossible now. The internet can be risky for kids if they are allowed to access content that is not meant for them. The internet has a lot of potential threat for kids.

Some of these dangers are,

1. Online Predators. Adults who use the internet to entice children for sexual related activities and exploitation are called online predators. The  rate of online enticement among females is high compared to their male counterpart. The majority of the victims are females, while online predators are male.

2. Early exposure to inappropriate content. When a child victim of online predators, they are expose to inappropriate content, words, images etc.

3. Safeguard personal information. Safeguarding personal information from your kids will help them from internet intruders.

4. Have parental control. Parents should have parental control over their children especially when they have access to the internet.

Tips for Protecting Children from Internet Risks.

Several method can be adopted to protect your kids from accessing inappropriate content. Some of these methods are 

1. Educate your child on the negative effect of viewing inappropriate content. When this method is adopted, the child will be watching only appropriate contents, programs etc.

2. Checking websites, games, and programs that are appropriate for him.

3. Being sensitive to what your child is doing online.

4. Being a good role model to your kids.

5. Discuss with your child about appropriate and inappropriate content. Discussing with your child about various contents on the internet will help him concentrate on those ones that are appropriate for him

  The internet has numerous advantages compared to the disadvantages. But, in other for  kids not to be expose to inappropriate contents, it is necessary for parents to control their kids usage of the internet to prevent risk. If appropriate measures are not put in place, kids will be expose to content that are detrimental to their moral and psychological development.

Monday, August 29, 2022


Single mothers face a lot of challenges especially the stress of raising their children. Due to the importance of mother in once life, some people have adopted  women who are not their biological relatives to be their mothers.

Mothers are known to be compassionate, supportive, patient, and multi tasking. Most times people overlook the challenges and difficulties single mothers face in taking care of their children. Motherhood comes with a lot of responsibilities especially single mothers.

Parenting itself is tasking, but being a single mother is more difficult, stressful, and challenging.

Challenges of Single Mothers.

Some of the challenges of single mothers are,

1. Financial Challenges. The most difficult issue confronting single mothers is on the area of finance. Some of them have inadequate resources to take care of their children especially the once that are not working.

2. Stress and Anxiety. Single mothers faces, stress and anxiety while taking care of their children. This stress can become worrisome if their is no one to assist them. Sometimes, single mothers overwork in other to meet up their financial obligation, and responsibilities confronting them.

3. Emotional Challenges. A single mother sometimes faces emotional challenge. Feeling of regret may set in due to the challenges she might be facing in course of raising, and taking care of her children alone.

Tips for Single Mothers.

Single motherhood has its own challenges, problems, and difficulties. It's important for mothers to know that they need help, and assistance in taking care of their children. They should seek for help when necessary, from friends, relatives etc.

Don't be secretive. Mothers especially single ones should not be secretive. They should discuss their challenges with others in other for them to get assistance where necessary. Don't try to be superman by not disclosing your predicament to anyone. Someone can decide to help when they know about your challenges, and difficulties in raising your children.

Forget the past. Dwelling in the past has a way of hunting you  psychologically, and emotionally. Forget the past and move on with your life. Being tormented, and humiliated by your past will cause more harm than good. Even if you are responsible for your present condition, don't despair because being a better mother to your kids should be your priority.

Motherhood has its own problem, and challenges that is not recognize by many. Taking this steps and tips will help overcome some of the difficulties raising, and parenting children alone.


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