Saturday, September 3, 2022


It's no longer news that sex education is important for children especially the girl child. Sex education is the instruction of issues relating to human sexuality, reproduction, health, safe sex, abstinence, and birth control.

Most parents are not living up to expectation when it comes to sex education. Some of the causes of teenage and early pregnancy is attributed to lack of sex education of the girl child. Parents should discuss sex education with their girl child early to avoid early pregnancy.

When sex education is discuss between mother and the girl child, it will enable her know when to have sex, abstinence, birth control among others. Most children are curious about sex therefore, their is need for parents to instill the right concept about sex to their children.

Due to the rapid growth of the internet and social media, their is need for parents to educate their children in other for them not to be misled, and misinform by friends, relatives, and the society. Parents are supposed to be the most appropriate persons to educate their girl child about sex education.

Impact of Sex Education on the Girl Child.

1. It enhances their knowledge about her sexuality. She is better inform and will not be easily deceive by the opposite sex who want to take advantage of her.

2. It promote mother and child relationship. Sex education is one of the things that promote mother and child relationship.

3. Control of youthful exuberance. Sex education has a way of controlling youthful exuberance among teenagers especially girls. It has led may astray as a result of early pregnancy, and abortion.

Sex education should be encourage in homes, religious gathering, schools, communities etc because the girl child is prone to sexual molestation and attack. Mothers has key role to play in educating their girl child about sexually related issues

Lastly, parents should create good relationship with their children to build trust and confidence.

Thursday, September 1, 2022


The internet is flooded with information that is meant for adult, youths, teenagers, and kids. Keeping the kids off the internet is almost impossible now. The internet can be risky for kids if they are allowed to access content that is not meant for them. The internet has a lot of potential threat for kids.

Some of these dangers are,

1. Online Predators. Adults who use the internet to entice children for sexual related activities and exploitation are called online predators. The  rate of online enticement among females is high compared to their male counterpart. The majority of the victims are females, while online predators are male.

2. Early exposure to inappropriate content. When a child victim of online predators, they are expose to inappropriate content, words, images etc.

3. Safeguard personal information. Safeguarding personal information from your kids will help them from internet intruders.

4. Have parental control. Parents should have parental control over their children especially when they have access to the internet.

Tips for Protecting Children from Internet Risks.

Several method can be adopted to protect your kids from accessing inappropriate content. Some of these methods are 

1. Educate your child on the negative effect of viewing inappropriate content. When this method is adopted, the child will be watching only appropriate contents, programs etc.

2. Checking websites, games, and programs that are appropriate for him.

3. Being sensitive to what your child is doing online.

4. Being a good role model to your kids.

5. Discuss with your child about appropriate and inappropriate content. Discussing with your child about various contents on the internet will help him concentrate on those ones that are appropriate for him

  The internet has numerous advantages compared to the disadvantages. But, in other for  kids not to be expose to inappropriate contents, it is necessary for parents to control their kids usage of the internet to prevent risk. If appropriate measures are not put in place, kids will be expose to content that are detrimental to their moral and psychological development.

Monday, August 29, 2022


Single mothers face a lot of challenges especially the stress of raising their children. Due to the importance of mother in once life, some people have adopted  women who are not their biological relatives to be their mothers.

Mothers are known to be compassionate, supportive, patient, and multi tasking. Most times people overlook the challenges and difficulties single mothers face in taking care of their children. Motherhood comes with a lot of responsibilities especially single mothers.

Parenting itself is tasking, but being a single mother is more difficult, stressful, and challenging.

Challenges of Single Mothers.

Some of the challenges of single mothers are,

1. Financial Challenges. The most difficult issue confronting single mothers is on the area of finance. Some of them have inadequate resources to take care of their children especially the once that are not working.

2. Stress and Anxiety. Single mothers faces, stress and anxiety while taking care of their children. This stress can become worrisome if their is no one to assist them. Sometimes, single mothers overwork in other to meet up their financial obligation, and responsibilities confronting them.

3. Emotional Challenges. A single mother sometimes faces emotional challenge. Feeling of regret may set in due to the challenges she might be facing in course of raising, and taking care of her children alone.

Tips for Single Mothers.

Single motherhood has its own challenges, problems, and difficulties. It's important for mothers to know that they need help, and assistance in taking care of their children. They should seek for help when necessary, from friends, relatives etc.

Don't be secretive. Mothers especially single ones should not be secretive. They should discuss their challenges with others in other for them to get assistance where necessary. Don't try to be superman by not disclosing your predicament to anyone. Someone can decide to help when they know about your challenges, and difficulties in raising your children.

Forget the past. Dwelling in the past has a way of hunting you  psychologically, and emotionally. Forget the past and move on with your life. Being tormented, and humiliated by your past will cause more harm than good. Even if you are responsible for your present condition, don't despair because being a better mother to your kids should be your priority.

Motherhood has its own problem, and challenges that is not recognize by many. Taking this steps and tips will help overcome some of the difficulties raising, and parenting children alone.


Saturday, August 27, 2022



Marriage is a journey and not a destination. It consist of two different personalities [male and female] who most have different orientation, and background. These people will certainly need to be united for them to stay together as husband and wife. This is because two individuals cannot work together unless they agree.

Secondly, marriage as an institution was founded on the principle of unity. Marriage is far beyond cohabiting. It means to be sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally connected to each other.

Meaning of Unity.

Unity can be define as oneness. It's the state of being one undivided entity. In marriage, it means to be of one mind and purpose. Couples need to stay  united for them to live together happily as husband and wife. 

Enhancing Unity in Marriage.

Unity is a vital tool for a healthy, happy, and successful marriage. It's one of the ingredient that makes marriage enjoyable. Unity enhance love, understanding, and togetherness in marriage. Some of the ways of enhancing unity in marriage are,

1. Respect, love, and value each other. 

2. Support, and help each other.

3. Plan together.

Marriage is between two individuals who decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Enhancing unity in marriage suppose to be daily affair because it enable couples to be united, closer, and happy. It's a unifying factor that makes things better in homes, families, community, and nations. Their is power in unity

Thursday, August 25, 2022


Ideal parent is one that demonstrate high moral and spiritual values, and responsibilities to his child or children. He or she impart moral values in other for the child/children to be responsible citizens in the society.

Parenting is one of the difficult task every parents face because it is an act and science.

Character of an ideal parent.

1.Discipline. A ideal parent is a disciplinarian who discipline and train his children to be responsible, accepted, and polish. 

2. A positive role model. An ideal parent is a role model first to his children, and people that comes in contact with him/her. He or she impart those values to his child or children.

3. Unconditional love and care. Any parent that demonstrate unconditional love, and care to his child, children irrespective of their abilities, shortcomings, challenges etc is indeed an ideal parent.

4. Appreciate and motivate. Lack of appreciation and motivation can make a child feel unsecured, and unwanted.  Ideal parent always encourages their children to boost their moral, self worth, and confidence. Appreciating your child even if he or she is not living up to expectation morally, academically is vital for the overall development of your kids.

5. Respect his child/children.  An ideal parent treat his children with respect while exercising his role as a parent. He or she does not disrespect his child/children. He knows that respect is reciprocal. This is also applicable for parents when dealing with their children or ward.

Respecting their opinions and paying attention to them when they are talking to you is a key attribute of an ideal parent. An ideal parent is wise, discipline, loves unconditionally, and a role model to his wife, family, children also impart high moral and spiritual values to his child, children and family.


  A Vow is a solemn promised made, pledged or personal commitment. A marriage vow is a promised made or personal commitment willfully made by two people who have agreed to join together in holy matrimony during weding ceremony. Vows can be broken as a result of several reasons and factors.

Reasons for broken vows.

1. Domestic abuse and violence. This is one of the common cause of broken vows among partners that are into relationship.

2. Infidelity, and breach of trust. Unfaithfulness can make a couple break his or her marital vows.

3. Barrenness.

4. Undue pressure from family members, friends, and relatives.

No matter the qualities, attributes, and perfect a spouse is, if one of them is not working for the sustainability of the marriage, then divorce, and breakup is inevitable.

Post Marriage Preparation.

Wedlock is only ceremony but marriage is a lifelong commitment between two individuals. When the honeymoon is over, couples are faced with the realities of life like dealing with in-laws, friends etc.

Marriages can be challenging in several ways, and as couples it is important for them to have post marriage preparation and some of these preparations are as follows,

1. Unconditional love and care for your spouse. Couples should have unconditional love, and care for their spouse irrespective of the challenges that may unfold after marriage.

2. Always say please and thank you. Saying thank you and please has a way of adding value to your marriage.

3. Public commendation, and private correction. Sometimes we make mistakes in life. As as a couple commending your spouse in public will boost her love and commitment to you. Alternatively, correcting your spouse privately shows that you have respect, and value for your partner and makes them look special, appreciated, and valued.

4. Be selfless. Selflessness in marriage bond couples together. 

5. Build trust and have confidence for each other.

6. Manage your finance, and money together.

Develop good relationship with your in-laws.

Marriage vow should be made with caution in other not to have a broken marriage.



Marriage also known as matrimony is a culturally recognized union between two adult called spouses, that establishes right, and obligation between them, their children, and in-laws. It is a global, and cultural accepted concept. Typically, it is an institution in which interpersonal relationship usually sex is entertained, encouraged, and involved.

In some cultures, marriage is recommended before any sexual activity is allowed. A marriage ceremony is called wedding. 

Brief History of Marriage.

Marriage, the union between a man and a woman recognized by authority, and ceremony is as old as civilization itself. It is found in any civilize society, culture, and community. But, throughout the centuries, marriage has taken different forms. Understanding of marriage contrasted greatly from culture to culture.

Some cultures viewed the institution as endogamous[men required to marry from or within their own social group, family. clan, or tribe], exogamous [marrying outside the geographical region or social group] or polygamous[allowing men to take more than one wife or bride.

Polygamy was formally banned towards the end of the roman empire with laws against fornication, adultery, and other relationship outside a monogamous relationship. This practice was gradually erased and led to modern day practice  of diverse kind of marriages, and relationship.

Pre-Marriage Tips.

Marriage is a lifelong relationship, and as adult who intend to get married, it is important and necessary for anyone that want to enter this institution to be counsel on some of the tips in other to experience a peaceful, and enjoyable marriage. Some of these tips are,

1. Work and improve on your negative habit. Improving on your negative lifestyle like drug addiction before getting married will be of help to you in other to avoid crisis in  your marriage. If your partner is a drug addict look for ways of helping him come out from drug addiction before getting married to him.

2. Be a good friend to your potential spouse. Don't marry a stranger in other to impress your parents, relatives etc. Don't marry a complete stranger and hope of becoming compatible over time. Marry someone with similar values, believes, and orientation for a sustainable marriage.

3. Communicate effectively and consistently before marriage. Don't be secretive. Tell your partner all your hidden secrets, and discuss about religion, careers, children, in-laws etc .A partner that has child with previous relationship should discuss it with his partner before marriage.

4. Don't be defensive. Argument and disagreement is normal, and healthy if done or handle fairly. Nothing can get an argument heated like a partner who feels unseen, and unheard. 

5. Be honest in your judgement. If you observe certain habits, and character that is against your believe and orientation from your partner, just quit because a broken relationship is better than divorce.

Never get married to someone with the intention of changing your partner. Never marry an abusive partner and hope of changing him after marriage. An abuser is a potential murderer waiting to manifest. A lot of women today are victims of domestic violence today because of they refused to quit their relationship with their partners during courtship.

Allowing your emotions to becloud your judgement can be fatal, deadly, and dangerous.

Wednesday, August 24, 2022


 WHO defines infidelity as a "disease of the reproductive system defined by failure to achieve a clinical pregnancy after 12 months or more of unprotected sexual intercourse. Infertility, and childlessness causes problems in marriages, homes etc. Medical experts noted that infertility and childlessness for women could be caused by several factors like surgery, ovulation disorder, cervical abnormalies etc.

For men, it could be caused by abnormal sperm function or an infection such as mumps etc. Gynaecologist advised couples who are childless not to lose hope and confidence of having children irrespective of there problems.


Childless couples has numerous challenges. Some of these challenges are

1. Lack of support and care when older. Childless couples who are older lack support and care due to their childlessness.

2. Depression

3. Anxiety

4. Lack of companionship.

5. Undue pressure from in-laws, family members etc.

6. Emotional, and psychologigal  problem.

7. Frustration and sorrow.

Couples who are infertile and childless faces sorrow and frustration because of their problem.     Marriage breakup sometimes is attributed to infertility, and childlessness.  The inability of couples to have children can be frustrating for women especially in Africa. 

In some countries, women who are childless are denied some right, and benefit as a result of their condition. They are sometimes  considered as curse, afflicted etc. Some of the resultant effect of childlessness is polygamy. In the western world, polygamy has been erased from their culture due to their believe, understanding and approach toward infidelity, and childlessness.


Voluntary childlessness or childless free family is when couple decided before or after marriage not to have kids or children. Childlessness is on the rise in developed countries compared to under developed nations. Non-mothers who have decided not to have children are sometimes stigmatized. In some cultures, they are not accepted easily due to believes, customs etc

Motherhood is accepted globally, but when it comes to voluntary childlessness, they are sometimes not given the required support, right, and benefit. Most women who are childless seek liberation from some of the wrong perception about child free marriage.

Though some childless couples have devise means of making themselves happy irrespective of their childlessness. Some of them are fulfilled, and more happier than those that have children in their marriages. Childless couples don't experience motherhood but a sometimes work collectively with their spouse for comfort, satisfaction and fulfillment in their marriages.

They develop relationship with friends, relatives, colleagues etc. They don't see children as their source of happiness especially for those couples who choose childless free family voluntarily. Childless couples spend quality time together devoid of parenting challenges, issues, and difficulties

Monday, August 22, 2022


In-laws are part of  marriage because they are indirectly connected. Couples should understand that in-laws can be difficult sometimes to handle due to their undue pressure as a result of their emotional attachment to their children. Couples should know how to handle difficult in-laws in other not to create unnecessary tension in the home. Some of the ways to handle difficult in-laws are,

1. Couples should be committed to each other. When couples are united, and committed to each other, they will not be frustrated and easily influence by their in-laws.

2. Don't be sentimental. Be objective, and avoid be sentimental in handling difficult in-laws. Respect your in-law and avoid taking sides.

3. Endeavor to set boundaries for your in-laws. Setting boundaries for your in-laws will enable them know the areas they are expected to intervene in your marriage. When you set boundaries it will put your in-laws in check, and also prevent them from undue pressure in your marriage.

4. Treat your in laws with dignity. Everyone deserve to be treated with love, and respect including your in-laws irrespective of their overbearing tendencies. Sometimes, in-laws can be in your nerves when you are not taking their advice and suggestions.

5. Never personalize issues. Personalizing issues with your spouse will worsen issues, and create room for argument and disagreement. 

6. Maintain a good relationship with your in laws. Lack of good relationship with in-laws can be detrimental to the cordial  relationship between the man and woman. Some in laws are troublesome and difficult because of the poor relationship of their son or daughter in law.

In laws can contribute to the success and happiness of their children marriages due to their experience. Ironically, some in laws are responsible for their children unhappiness, and breakup due to their selfish interest and ill advise given to their children who are married. Some couples had miserable experiences from wicked, and difficult in laws because of the inability of the couple to handle issues on their own.

Some females especially in Africa who intend to get married wish their would be in law dead because of fear of manipulation, and undue pressure from them. Marriage is enjoyable with or without the presence of manipulative, and difficult in laws depending on the way and manner the couples manage them. Couples should work collectively to manage, and handle difficult, and troublesome in laws with love, respect, and dignity.

They should also support them financially, materially etc when necessary in other for them to have sense of belonging


Sunday, August 21, 2022


Financial Management is planning, directing, organizing, and controlling financial activities such as procurement, utilization of funds for family, organization, or enterprise. Managing finances is vital for planning, execution, and sustainability of project, commitment, goals, objectives etc. Efficient financial management is necessary for couples in other for them not to be under financial pressure, stress, and difficulties.

Marriage comes with lots of responsibilities, and as couples wisdom demand that they have a robust, achievable planning skills for better, and stress free marriage devoid of undue financial pressure.


Some of the causes of financial problems in marriages are,

1. Unwise financial decision making process. When couple make unwise financial decision without considering the negative effect, they are bound to be in financial crisis.

2. Health and medical related issues. Health related issues is one of the causes of financial problem in marriages.

3. Retirement. A retiree will suffer from financial challenge if he fails to put up mechanism in place to sustain him after retirement.

4. Family related issues. Sometimes in other to assist family members, and relatives that have problems; couples may encounter financial challenges.

5. Loss of employment. When a partner lose his means of livelihood as a result of unemployment, it may affect the financial strength of the couples.

6. Living above your income. Anybody that lives above his income without an alternative means of livelihood will go bankrupt. 

7. Failure to seek for an alternative means of income. Due to the harsh economic situation confronting some countries, some couples have devise  means of sustaining their finances through an alternative means of income. 

8. Drug addiction. Drug addiction and other related issues can cripple the finance of couples if urgent step is not taken.

9. Irresponsible Investment. When couple decided to invest without proper investment advice, they are bound to suffer loss which might affect their finances. So many families have gone bankrupt due to irresponsible investment.


There is a popular saying that"money has wings". It's easier to spend money than to earn. Taking proactive measures is needed in other for couples to reduce financial crisis in marriages. Some of these measures are,

1. Maintaining 

saving culture.

2. Have an alternative means of income.

3. Don't spend more than your income.

4. Be investment driven.

Financial crisis has negative impact in marriage; and taking necessary step aim at reducing undue financial stress is needful, and important. Couples should avoid anything that will make them be under financial crisis.


Saturday, August 20, 2022


Infidelity in marriage is the act of being unfaithful to a spouse or partner. When someone that is married have sexual related affair with someone it is regarded as infidelity. Unfaithfulness and infidelity in marriage is one of the major causes of divorce, conflict, etc in marriages globally. 


1. Divorce. Divorce is one of the consequences of infidelity. It is regarded as the major causes of divorce globally.

2. Spread of sexually transmitted infections/diseases. Sexually transmitted diseases can be spread through a partner that is unfaithful to his spouse.

3. Emotional and Psychological Problem. Some spouse suffer from emotional and psychological trauma as a result of their cheating partner.

4. Unwanted Child. Infidelity can make someone have a child that is not wanted. When a woman becomes pregnant for a married man and she decides not to abort it, the child will become unwanted for the man because he didn't plan for it.

4. Physical/Verbal Abuse. A cheating partner may become a victim of physical attack as a result of confrontation, and conflict related to infidelity.

Death. A lot of married men and women have taken the lives of their spouses as a result of unfaithfulness in marriage. Some victims of infidelity in marriage believed that taking the life of their spouse is the solution of the problem.


Infidelity has caused unimaginable crisis, conflict, and problems among marriages globally. Unfaithfulness is a delicate issue that need wisdom to handle in other for the couples not to take laws into their hand. The following procedures may help couples who are having issues with infidelity in their marriages.

1. Identify the root cause. Identifying the root cause of any problem is the key factor in resolving it. When you don't identify the problem; then the solution may be difficult.

2.Don't action in haste. Taking action in haste especially when you are heart broken emotionally can be risky, dangerous, and may not give you the desired result in solving the problem.

3. Discuss and settle it amicably. When issues arise in marriage, the ability to discuss and settle it amicably will help reduce tension, problem, and conflict.

4. Don't be in haste to call third parties. Sometimes, inviting third parties to settle issues like infidelity may do more harm than good. Look for ways of settling the issue without inviting anybody.


Their is no smoke without fire. Let us look into some of the causes of infidelity in marriage.

1. Sexual dissatisfaction. Lack of sexual satisfaction is the reason why some spouse cheat on their partner. 

2. Hardship. Condition, hardship, and frustration is the caused of infidelity among couples. 

3 Lack of care and support. Some spouse who are not caring, and supporting their partner may likely have a cheating partner.

4. Medical condition. Medical related problem may prevent a spouse from performing his marital responsibility to his partner, thereby causing the spouse to cheat on her partner.

5. Anger, and revenge. A partner that has been cheated before by her spouse may decide to pay back by cheating on his partner.

6. Lack of love, and commitment. When a couple no longer love his spouse, infidelity may set in.

Infidelity in marriage is immoral, disheartening, and unreasonable. It is important for couples to seek help from marriage expert if

they find it difficult to resolve the issue. Infidelity if handled without  care can result to death, injuries, breakup, and divorce.


Thursday, August 18, 2022


 Anger if properly managed is helpful because it has a way of bringing couples together in marriage and relationship. Poor management of anger can be destructive. Anger is only helpful if it's handled in a healthy and constructive manner.

Dealing with anger in marriage is important because no matter how couples are compatible, conflict may arise which may lead to expression of anger. It's not possible to have a conflict free marriage because husband and wife who may have come from different background are expected to have different opinion, interest etc.

Anger is used sometimes to express feelings, frustration, and grievances. There is no controversy that the success and failure of any marriage may likely depend on the way and manner couples handle their anger when they are angry.  The way and manner couples react when they are angry differs.


Anger can't be eradicated in marriage but can be manage and control. Conflict can create room for better understanding, stronger ties when handled and managed effectively. Marriage partners should address their grievances in a manner that will not be detrimental to their peaceful co-existence. The following steps are recommended to manage anger successfully in marriage.

1. Always express your anger with Love. If anger and conflict in marriage is express in love, it helps in proper reconciliation of the issues at stake.

2. Never use abusive words when you are angry. Using abusive words when you are angry can worsen the already tensed situation. Spoken words has a way of healing pains, or igniting tension in marriage especially when spoken in anger.

3. Don't assault your spouse when you are angry. Physical assault of spouse during conflict is unhealthy especially when you are angry. There are many ways of expressing anger without physical assault of your partner. It will complicate issues, and also  lead to injuries, bruises etc.

Don't hesitate to say am sorry. During conflict, and misunderstanding, the ability of a partner to accept responsibility by saying am sorry has a way of resolving issues. Sometimes, pride will make a spouse not to accept  responsibility for the cause of the conflict. Saying sorry at the appropriate time is a matured way of managing anger effectively.


1.Death. Poor management of anger has led to the death of several couples. Anger can make someone commit murder. Some couples have taken the life of their partner as a result of anger.

2.Loss of Property. Poor management of anger by some couples has led to physical destruction of properties

3. Injuries related to physical combat. Sometimes, couples may engage in physical combat when they are angry which may lead to injuries.

4. Divorce. Improper management of anger can lead to litigation, and the end resultant effect divorce.

Being angry is normal, understandable, necessary especially when you feel humiliated, abused, and disgraced. But the way, and manner you handle it may result to negative or positive result, death, injuries, emotional problems, divorce etc. Sometimes, some death and injuries can be avoided if couples express their anger in an acceptable manner.

Anger can't be prevented even in marriages, but managing it is the key for effective and successful marriage.


Tuesday, August 16, 2022


Single Parent is a person who has a child or children but does not have a spouse or live in partner to assist in the welfare and bringing up of the child.  Single Parenthood is the act of raising a child or children in the house.

Single parenthood is common everywhere, and sometimes, it's cause by death, divorce, medical condition etc. It has it's own challenges, difficulties, problems, and effect.


Some of the effects of single parenthood on children are as follows,

Drug Abuse. Due to the difficulties attached to single parenthood, majority of their children are expose to drug abuse.

Alcohol Abuse. Some of the cases of drug abuse by youth is traceable to single parenthood,

Early pregnancy. Youth especially females are prone to early pregnancy.

Poor Child Development. Poor child development is one of the effect of single parenthood.

Financial Problems. Financial problem is one of the major problem of single parenthood. When the woman becomes the only one responsible for the financial, and upkeep of the child, or children they may likely face financial challenge.

Developmental Problems. Children who are from single parenst most times suffer from developmental problems in school. Due to the undue pressure from their parent, they hardly get the needed attention for their moral, and academic development.



Despite the negative effects of single parenting as it relates to children, their are also some positive effects on single parenting. Some of the positive effects are as follows,

Stronger Bond from Parent to Child/Children. As a single parent, it is possible for the child to enjoy strong bond between him and his parent. Some single parents spend quality time with their children thereby enhancing good parenting.

Less conflict. A single parent will experience less conflict in the home compared to husband and wife relationship.

Unconditional Love. Children from single parents enjoy unconditional love from their parent.

Undivided Attention. The attention of single parents is not divided.

Single parenthood has it ups and down; and it's important for one to adequately set out quality time irrespective of the pressure to train up your children in other for them not to be irresponsible citizens in the society.

Single parenting is challenging, but with proper planning, and commitment children groom from single parents can become responsible people. 

Monday, August 15, 2022


Relationship abuse is any relationship that is devoid of any acceptable or moral standard of behavior. It can also be defined as any partner who has excessive control and dominance over a person in a relationship. It is an evil, unacceptable, and unhealthy relationship.

Common forms of relationship abuse are sexual assault, threat to life, physical attack etc. Victims of relationship abuse always live in fear, intimidated, terrorized, and sometimes even get hurt from their abusive partner. It cut across region, race, background, tribe etc.

Sometimes, it's difficult to know if someone is an abuser early in a relationship. Abuse in relationship doesn't happen. It takes sometime few weeks or months after the contracting of the relationship. The abusive partner will start exhibiting his abusive behaviors as the relationship progresses.



Chronic pains,


Emotionally problems etc.

Types of Abuse.

Let us look closely some of the types of abuse. They are as follows,

Verbal Abuse. This is any non physical behavior such as insults, threats, humiliation, intimidation etc.

Physical Abuse. Any unwanted contact with someone with the intention of causing pain, harm or injury.

Sexual Abuse. Sexual behavior is behavior that coerces someone to do something sexually against their consent, wish, and desire.

Financial Abuse. Any financial dealings that is unethical, fraud etc with the intention to cheat etc.

Stalking. When someone watches, harasses, and follows someone in other to make him or her feel insecure, afraid repeatedly.

Digital Abuse. This is the use of social media platform to intimidate a partner.


Being abuse is a terrible experience. It has negative effect on those who experienced it. Anyone who has been abused can take proactive steps to avoid being abuse again. Some of these steps are as follows,

Avoid anyone who has previously abused you before. Staying away from your ex partner is another wise way of being a victim of abuse.

Be sensitive to people with violent behaviors. People with violent behaviors should be avoided.

Avoid people with intimidating behaviors. Anyone no matter how good he may be as long as he is an abuser, is not worth having an affair with.

Always right. Their are people who find it difficult to accept their mistakes, fault, etc. They will never say sorry due to pride, disrespect etc.

No one want an abusive relationship. Everyone need relationship devoid of abuse, intimidation, assault, and pains. Relationship need to be cordial, respectful, and dignified. Everybody deserves to be treated with love, dignity, and respect.

The government, community, non governmental agencies, religious organization need to speak against it because it's inhuman, immoral, uncivilized, and primitive.


Marriage is an institution of matured people. It's expected that whosoever wants to get married is emotionally, financially, and psychological ready for the task ahead. But sometimes people get married out of compulsion, undue pressure from parents, relatives etc.

Marrying out of compulsion is when an individual[male/female] is coerced or compel

to marry someone against their wish or consent. It is common in most part of Africa. Sometimes, when parents especially women believed that their daughters has pass the age of getting a spouse in their own believe, and understanding, they will compel their daughters to get married to whosoever seek their hand in marriage.


Some of the consequences of marrying someone out of compulsion are,

1. Divorce. When a woman marries someone out of compulsion in other to please his or her parents, then divorce is inevitable. Some of the divorce cases been witness today is as a result of forced marriages.

2. Lack of Love. Love is the only force that keeps couple together irrespective of the circumstances, challenges, and trials. 

3. Infidelity. Infidelity cases in marriages can be traced to forced, and family induced marriages.


Prone to domestic violence. Domestic violence may likely occur in marriages contracted through force.

Just as we have marriages that are forced by parents, relatives, friends etc; we also have people that willfully got into marriages because of their age, mentality, and mockery from friends, and relatives.

Some people who got divorce from their spouse confessed that they got married because of their age and not because of the love they have for their partner. In Africa if a woman is not married; it's believed that she is irresponsible, bad mannered etc.

Sometimes, appointment is hardly given to someone that is qualified academically especially females because of been single. These are some of the contributing factors that made some females go into marriages without considering the negative effect, and consequences.


Some of the factors of avoiding undue pressure to get married are;

Believe in Yourself. If you are matured to get married, and still single; just be yourself, believe that the right person will come at the right time.

Have a Standard. Have some basic standard you want your future spouse to have. It's better to remain single than to make the wrong choice and be somebody's ex. in future.

Don't be discourage.Discouragement is one of the key factors that can make women go into force marriages.

Trust and Believe in God for everything. When you put your trust in God, and refuse to be move by people's opinion about you, then definitely you will never be under undue pressure. 

Don't be Desperate. Being desperate in everything is bad including marriage. Desperation have made people do a lot of unimaginable things in life including their choice of marriage partner. 

Marriage should be contracted out of love, understanding, and mutual respect for each other. It's a lifelong commitment. Whosoever that is ready for it should be allowed to make his or her choice without inducement, compulsion, and desperation.

Sunday, August 14, 2022


 Marriage is honorable and is one of the institution created by God. In the Garden of Eden when God created man, he took one of the rib of Adam and created Eve. Eve became Adam's helpmate.[Gen 1,2 and 3].

The rate of domestic abuse, and violence against women is alarming. It has caused pains, sorrows, and affliction to several women in the society. It's a crime against women, humanity, and nation at large. These form of violence can lead to depression, post traumatic stress, suicide etc.




Pregnancy complications,


Emotional. trauma,





Anger management issue



Undue family influence, and control

Cultural belief, and practices.

Some of the ways of addressing domestic violence is speaking out if you are a victim, s Seek for help, and solutions of addressing it. Sometimes women out of fear failed to disclose violence and abuse from  the public because of their religious background.

So many death has been recorded as a result of not opening up on the issue of abuse in marriages. A stich in time saves nine. 

Family Planning: Enhancing Marital Bliss and Societal Progress.

  Family planning plays a pivotal role in shaping not just individual lives but also the broader fabric of society. By empowering couples to...