Saturday, August 27, 2022



Marriage is a journey and not a destination. It consist of two different personalities [male and female] who most have different orientation, and background. These people will certainly need to be united for them to stay together as husband and wife. This is because two individuals cannot work together unless they agree.

Secondly, marriage as an institution was founded on the principle of unity. Marriage is far beyond cohabiting. It means to be sexually, mentally, physically, and emotionally connected to each other.

Meaning of Unity.

Unity can be define as oneness. It's the state of being one undivided entity. In marriage, it means to be of one mind and purpose. Couples need to stay  united for them to live together happily as husband and wife. 

Enhancing Unity in Marriage.

Unity is a vital tool for a healthy, happy, and successful marriage. It's one of the ingredient that makes marriage enjoyable. Unity enhance love, understanding, and togetherness in marriage. Some of the ways of enhancing unity in marriage are,

1. Respect, love, and value each other. 

2. Support, and help each other.

3. Plan together.

Marriage is between two individuals who decided to spend the rest of their lives together. Enhancing unity in marriage suppose to be daily affair because it enable couples to be united, closer, and happy. It's a unifying factor that makes things better in homes, families, community, and nations. Their is power in unity

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